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August 27, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014 7:00pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch from Millennium Design also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Stan Moss
Rich Wagner
Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Petr Spacek


  • Approve 8/13 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Update from Stan on Legal Counsel meeting on 8/27 – discussion on whether we have to go out to bid.  John L. talked to Attorney Ferriter, followed up with memo on review of Millennium MOU and proposal details regarding purchasing law requirements.   Opinion of Ferriter is that the MLP does need to go out to bid, being public infrastructure under MGL.
  • John L. as MLP manager will seek the opinion of the Princeton legal Counsel on the purchasing question and have it send it to the Millennium lawyers.
  • Discussion on the telcom hut purchasing.  Stan’s research on a 10x20 hut shows an average cost of $15k pre-fab.  Discussed merits of buying vs. building.
  • Stan had a discussion with Jim Drawe of Wired West.   
  • Discussion on adding Town Meeting warrant article for MLP start-up costs, including initial make-ready work like telcom huts, Verizon make-ready, owner’s project manager.  Stan suggested giving the initial pole make-ready estimate to Dave Moore Linx Engineering to do a revised, more accurate estimate.
  • Chris to provide MBI metrics for pole make-ready costs.
  • Vote to recommend MLP hires Linx Engineering to undertake a revised survey of the noted Verizon poles in town for purposes of estimating costs for make-ready work.   Unanimously Approved.
  • Discussion on Strategy regarding make ready work and engaging with MBI for funding.
  • Discussion on Wired West membership.   Stan had a follow-up conversation with Monica Webb from Wired West.  WW obtained 23 signatures constituting a 2/3 majority for Princeton’s membership.   Upcoming WW meeting on 9/3, Stan will attend.  
  • Phil to investigate what is happening at the State level regarding Telecom funding.
  • Stan reports John K. is progressing well on his recuperation.  
  • At Monday’s select board meeting, John L. raised question on remote participation.  Enabling remote participation would require approving remote participation law for all boards/committees in town.  
  • Vote to recommend to BOS that the town enact a remote participation for committee law. Unanimously Approved.
  • Discussion on possible updates to put out on the website.
  • Broadband Communities Summit coming up in Springfield on 9/16-9/18.  

Action Items

  • Work on FCC application (Ned/Phil)
  • Attend Wired West meeting on 9/3 (Stan)
  • Update web site with latest status info (Rich)
  • Legislative updates. (Phil)

Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Next meeting 9/10.
  • Follow up on Town Counsel response to MLP inquiry (Stan)
  • Update on Wired West
  • Update on FCC application process (Ned).
Meeting adjourned  8:32 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig